University of Mary 62nd commencement ceremonies are April 29

研究生,从Lumen Vitae

哈罗德·哈姆获得荣誉博士学位, 女儿Shelly Lambertz在毕业典礼上发表演讲.

俾斯麦,ND — On Saturday, April 29, 立博中文版将颁发 degrees to 958 2023年毕业典礼上的毕业生. 仪式在下午2:30开始.m. in the Bismarck Event Center, Seventh Street 和 Front Avenue, Bismarck.

Founded 和 sponsored by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery of Bismarck, 立博中文版将颁发 520 学士学位, 314 硕士学位及 124 博士学位. 这些学生来自 41 国家代表 19 国家.

六十九年 获得优等生称号 93 获得了优等生称号 112 学生们获得了优等生称号.

此外, 43 students have earned the Certified Schafer Leader designation from the Harold Schafer Emerging Leaders Academy, 和 53 students are recognized as 全年校园 graduates for fulfilling their degree in 2.6年.



哈罗德·哈姆在简陋的俄克拉荷马州大草原上长大. That country was hotter than the Dakota plains but measured by the same values: you didn't lie, 你没有作弊, 每个人都尽了自己的责任. The youngest child of 13, Hamm was born in 1945 to cotton sharecroppers. They were poor, but to them, life was vast 和 expansive. Someone in need was almost always living with the Hamm family, 当他们有额外的东西时, 他们放弃了.

It was in those days that Hamm's eyes were opened to life's possibilities. He glimpsed a world bigger than himself, bigger than the hardships he was facing. So when saw that oil 和 gas development was booming in his neighborhood, 他的想象力飞扬起来. 哈姆想成为一名石油商. He wanted to make a fuller life possible for his family 和 community. At 18, 他在一家油田服务承包商找到了一份工作, cleaning tanks – the hardest work there was in the field. By 1967, 21岁的时候, 他积累了足够的信用,可以取出1美元,他借了000英镑的贷款,开始了自己的事业. 这就是大陆资源公司的开始. 从这个草根创业公司开始, Hamm built Continental into one of the top oil producers in the United States. Continental is also the largest leaseholder of the nation's premier oilfield, 北达科他州西部和蒙大拿州东部的巴肯地区.

Hamm co-founded 和 serves as Chairman of the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance. He's served as past Chairman 和 present board member of what is now the Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma 和 was a founding member of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board. 为了找到治疗糖尿病的方法, he sponsored the founding of the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center, 世界著名的糖尿病研究中心. 他的专业成就, Hamm has received the Platts Global Energy Lifetime Achievement Award 和 the Horatio Alger Award. In 2012, TIME Magazine named him one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World." "...most influential" because Harold Hamm never fails to spot the long play. 北达科他州的大草原, reminiscent as they are of the Oklahoma fields of his childhood, 对他要有光明的承诺. Just like us, he's looking to serve needs in this region 和 well beyond it.

The University of Mary's Hamm School of Engineering forms future industry leaders who see a world much bigger than themselves, 谁想让他们所服务的人的生活更充实. The inspiration 和 generosity of Harold Hamm hold fast in our dreams for our students. 哈姆最大的骄傲是他的家庭. 他的五个孩子——“比我强”," he says-are each living proof of his conviction that the greatest measure of success is the success of those who come after you. 永远感谢哈罗德·哈姆的支持, we at the University of Mary hope to confirm that conviction ourselves as our students, 太, 为伟大的心灵而奋斗, 带着广阔的希望走向自己的田野, 把光明和生命带到他们所到之处.

Shelly Lambertz -毕业典礼演讲嘉宾

Continental Resources Executive Vice President, Chief 文化 &

Shelly Lambertz currently serves as Executive Vice President, Chief 文化 和 行政官员 for Continental Resources in Oklahoma City. 她自2018年5月起担任董事会成员. Her leadership in the oil 和 gas industry recently earned her the recognition as one of the 25 Influential Women in Energy by Hart Energy.

加入大陆集团之前, Shelly served as the Chief Operating Officer at Hamm Capital, 家族投资和咨询公司, 2011年8月至2018年10月. Shelly also serves as Director of the Harold Hamm Foundation. From 1999 to 2005, she was the Executive Director of the YWCA in Enid, OK. Prior to that, Shelly was Director of Human Resources 和 Business Development Advisor for Hamm & 菲利普斯服务公司.

她的职业生涯始于为美国国防部工作.S. 在华盛顿特区的众议院.C. serving in various positions including Office Manager for Congressman Mickey Edwards (OK), Legislative Assistant for the Leadership Office of Minority Leader Bob Michel (IL), 弗兰克·卢卡斯副幕僚长(OK).

Shelly holds a bachelor's degree in business administration, 辅修市场营销, 来自俄克拉荷马州立大学. 雪莉积极参与社区活动, serving on the boards of the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center at the University of Oklahoma, 俄克拉荷马州立大学基金会, 迪恩麦基眼科研究所, 斯科特 & Kim Verplank Foundation 和 the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence.

她是圣公会的忠实成员. John the Baptist 天主教 Church where she serves on the Finance Board, 是圣体司铎吗, 也是妇女信仰的前任主席 & 形成项目.
Shelly 和 her husb和 Gant are dedicated parents to their two sons, Zach 和 Alex.

The 2023 University of Mary graduation ceremonies can be viewed through live streaming at:


任何想了解立博中文版的人都可以在 在线, 或与招生代表联系, 或者通过呼叫 (701) 355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges 和 Universities in the US.

关于立博中文版: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs 和 graduate programs animated by moral courage 和 leadership in chosen professions 和 service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths 和 backgrounds.

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 15个硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) 和 American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问
